Friday, September 5, 2008

Advertisement of Campaign

The era of information and communications which so fast in this time seemingly have possessed to political life in this country. The news and information concerning growth of politics which have and happened and also estimation to happened in period to come we can enjoy in various media (print and electronic). But more interesting is uppermost campaign advertisement appearance of someone figure who justly assumed can and competent to lead (national and local). Let’s we try to free our time to enjoy the advertisement in television, hence some among its is surely emerged the campaign advertisement especially at a prime time.

Different from an advertisement of a product, hence the campaign advertisement more instructing at promotion of someone figure and also programs which to be run if the figure chosen as leader. In promoting the figure, hence in the advertisement will present the new hero figure which with its moral can develop the national/local area. Meanwhile in promoting the program which to be run can be told altogether have a theme which very clichéd that is prosperity of people. On the contrary as like advertisement of a product, hence the message wishing to be submitted is in fact only want persuade audience to choose the figure on the advertisement during the election time.

Advertisement is one of communications and information media that effective enough to get an enthusiasm with placing an image about something to grow a perception for someone concerning something. In a profit oriented business, promotion through advertisement need an expense / high cost and included in one of production cost. Of course in accounting of loss and profit, the advertising cost has to can return an advantage level such as expected.

Relate at simple explanation be like above mentioned, hence to produce a campaign advertisement package of course need not a little cost money (if not will be told costly). With progressively the hoisterous of campaign advertisement in various media, hence we can conceive how much moneys released just for campaign advertisement. A costly enough price compared to people condition in this country which experience of the crisis. Isn't it true that a budget just for uppermost one of figure can be allocated for improving prosperity of people in this country.

The phenomenon of campaign advertisement that happened in this country perhaps is process industrialisms political where politics at the moment have become a profit oriented business farm with all calculations of profit and its loss. The process is a process which we cannot refuse because glimpse of globalization at era of information and communication in this time. The matter that very worries of is if political industrialization process walk break the rule sly, so that reckoned only profit and loss in conducting the industry, means while the intention of the politics finally only disregarding importance of people.

Expressly can be told, how can will think of prosperity of people, if the thought of beforehand is how to return capital which have been released to politics (one of them through advertisement) and then newly think of the way obtain get advantage so that can enlarge its politics industrial effort at future.

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  1. “Hop Flea” Politican
  2. May I Nominate Myself as President?
  3. Please, Return the Throne of Sovereignty of My Country to People
  4. Hopefully, KPK (The Commission of Corruption Eradication) Still Have Bravery
  5. In This Time, My Country Need A Leader Not A President
  6. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  7. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  8. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  9. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  10. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

“Hop Flea” Politican

A period of general election in this country often presents very attractive episodes for us especially which related with behavior of sides that have importance at the general election either through person and its faction. One of the episodes which we require to see is phenomena of some of politicians in this country which behavioral as “hop flea”. Term of ‘hop flea” is to call migratory politicians from one party to another party by itself initiative. Of course we are as audience of the episode doesn’t know surely the most real purpose from “hop flea” politicians so that have migration to other party.

Attitude to be “hop flea” is valid deed in life democratize, because there no feeling getting disadvantage with existence of the phenomenon. Any way this country constitution have guaranteed freedom to have a notion, deliberation and organizational for every citizen. The basic question is what a real objective and obsession of the “hop flea” politicians and why its apparition do exactly often happened in moment nearing general election.

Evaluated from simplest logic, hence deportment the “hop flea” has shown that they don't have the coherent political principle and always try to find the new place which assumed it most comfortable to wreak the intention of it politics principal. Mean while evaluated from loyalty, hence attitude of the “hop flea” is very questionable loyalty to an organization during it assuming not yet given advantage for itself. What does the “hop flea” will loyal to people, be like the promises said at the time of nearing general election. Perhaps only and let the they conclude the answer as normly and human ethics.

On the contrary, to answer concerning the epithet, the “hop flea’s give various reason and cause why do they make a move from one party to other party. From assorted of the reason which be given, in fact there is a same reason related with this phenomenon : they become a “hop flea” because not yet / cannot channel their aspiration in the former party so that they have to moving to other party which is it’s party platform as according to their aspiration. Whatever the answer and reason that they given, shall don't be made as a justification from something the deed that not yet ever been correct of course. A justification is striving to give a truth subjectively for the purpose of and specific-purpose, mean while a truth is truly exactly even it is not done by a justification.

A question again to above mentioned phenomenon that is, why do lighted upon party of politician “hop flea” still open to accept them which have clearly always don't stand stay in one party. Isn't it true hat still many party cadres in this country which don't fail it’s quality and loyality compared to that “hop flea”, or truly this country have experienced of human resources crisis to be party cadre, or more extreme perhaps, in this country have ever been no enthusiastic to be party cadre? Or this country has too many parties more than available party cadres?

this country have been attacked by the hop flea pest which breaking the agro product, the “hop flea” politician phenomenon don't generate damage of democratize basic in this country.

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  1. May I Nominate Myself as President?
  2. Please, Return the Throne of Sovereignty of My Country to People
  3. Hopefully, KPK (The Commission of Corruption Eradication) Still Have Bravery
  4. In This Time, My Country Need A Leader Not A President
  5. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  6. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  7. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  8. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  9. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

May I Nominate Myself as President?

when I child, I have owned aspiration to become a president

an aspiration is perhaps also envisioned by millions of other children in this country
president, is a easy word to be said and represent many dreams to be made an aspiration
president, every citizen may take hold of it according to constitution reference,
president a position which enough pride upon fair so that if fought over many people not merely by children

at this moment my country is in a critical condition, why do exactly road to be president only owned by a little people
a requirement to be president in line with constitution is not difficult (simple), but why do process to be able to become the president in this country only can be fulfilled by people of selected faction

at this time to be able to nominate as president shall from clan which have much money in order to can campaign costly itself inly various media

at this time to be able to nominate as president shall must have multi personality, in one moment can wicked to people and in other moment can change to “love” to people

at this time to be able to nominate as president must have a trade arithmetic, that is how to can return capital which have been released to be president and of course the way of to get advantage when chosen to become president

at this time to be able to nominate as president must have the principle make it up to reply the services that have been received, that is with by alloting “a few advantages” to all parties which have supported to be president

..... it is not a wonder, if in this time road to be president becoming only owned by a little people

at this time to be a president not a moral become the criterion, but exactly how a moral can be “packaged” as sympathy stimulator to people

at this time to be a president not a leadership become the criterion, but a soul that having a heart to geld a leader cadres in order to avoid grow to become a real leader in this country

.... it is not a wonder, if in this time road to be president becoming only owned by a little people

when I child, I have owned aspiration to become a president
but in this time, the obsession is like a dream in a little people dream
i don't have quite a lot propertieses of items to be able to advertise myself in various media
i don't have capability of “commercial arithmetic” science, so it is impossible I can calculate a profit or loss within politics, more than anything else can give advantage for myself and or my faction
i don't have multi personality, so it is impossible that I must acted as “multi face” in order to I can change my “face” at the time which needed

I am only owning a strength desire, so this country can change and soon get over the “chronic” disease

.... do only with just the desire I may nominate myself as president for this country ....
let’s the time conversing, decompose the word without meaning

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Related Posts :

  1. Please, Return the Throne of Sovereignty of My Country to People
  2. Hopefully, KPK (The Commission of Corruption Eradication) Still Have Bravery
  3. In This Time, My Country Need A Leader Not A President
  4. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  5. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  6. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  7. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  8. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Please, Return the Throne of Sovereignty of My Country to People

the highest sovereignty is on people hand
there is an utter couplet of the constitution

who knows, there have already how many period the sovereignty throne disappear from people’s hug
the throne which grave on the equator emerald and shone by freedom lining
the throne which it ought to can send this country to the glories
……but that throne has disappeared swallowed up by power’s lust and passionate gluttony lechery from thieves who make use of deity mask

who knows, there have already how many “full moon” the sovereignty throne seize from people’s handful
the throne which chisel from a sweat drop blood of the people to detach a suppression shackle
the throne which it ought to can free people from destitution shackle
….. but the throne have been clutched and blanketed by promises mucus of psychopaths who make use of brahmin chasuble

who knows, there have already how many eclipses the sovereignty throne escape from people’s embrace
the throne which portray of five oceans and five jungles within archipelago chain
the throne which it ought to can realize people’s dream to can enjoying a precious diamonds
….. but the throne have been grabbed by asperity of eye-tooth of wicked who substitute itself like a saint

now, after the time greeting again to my country at several times
the time has come that sovereignty throne is returned to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
no matter, if beautifully of throne engraving have faded
let the people to make it return to shiny
so that it’s light can enlightening to this country move to the glories
without the thieves who make use of deity mask again

now, after the full moon moving across at equators of my country at several times
the time has come that sovereignty throne is returned to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
no matter, if its bas-reliefs have been disguised by decaying aroma of spurious promises
let the people to make it return fragrant
so that it’s fragrant can show the prosperity footbridge which far from destitution frame
without psychopaths who make use of brahmin chasuble again

now, after the eclipses moving across at archipelago chain at several times
the time has come that sovereignty throne is given to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
no matter, if it’s portray precious have been replaced by asperity
let the people to take care of it return
so that its precious can make the people realize the dreams which during the time buried by destitution
without wicked who substitute itself like a saint again

the time has come that sovereignty throne is returned to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
let us and our offspring will take care of it
without thieves, psychopaths, and wicked in my country anymore......

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Related Posts :

  1. Hopefully, KPK (The Commission of Corruption Eradication) Still Have Bravery
  2. In This Time, My Country Need A Leader Not A President
  3. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  4. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  5. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  6. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  7. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hopefully, KPK (The Commission of Corruption Eradication) Still Have Bravery

The bravery of KPK (The Commission of Corruption Eradication) in my country recently will bring the fresh wind at people in this country feel sultry moment with corruptors action which nauseate progressively.

The successfully of KPK in reveal and catch corruptors in this country is a special achievement considering the case that expressed is involve perpetrators from various institutions and sectors. Corruptors arrest action by KPK in various mass media (print and electronic) is a looking on the enough amuse, considering the view like that seldom or have never been displayed before

With the action, KPK have come to ”a new hero” in putting to rout corruption mafias which have made miserable to this country. The hero which become the people expectation at the same time the hero who daunted by corruptors in this country. Become the expectation, because during the time corruptors is become the untouchable figure by law even it’s deportment have very clear. Daunted, because technology and method used as [of] weapon by KPK in expressing and catch corruptors almost look like the intelligent ways. Wiretapping technology as one the way used, likely have denuded corruptors in front of justice and known by wide society.

Evaluated from its performance, it is on the right track objectively for us to say great work to KPK. But political chronologically, in fact there is still a big question which still need asked with conscience owners of power and decision makers in this country, the question are among others:
  1. Why the action of KPK in expressing and catch corruptors seen intensive at the time of closing ending a period of governance of owner of power will end? Viewed from this question, objectively have to be confessed that KPK seen over acting exactly at the last minutes, so that what do was done by KPK impress to pursue to fulfill remittance and equip report governance performance now. If this condition truly correct hence can be told KPK is one of the power appliance to get good impression in people eye, so that opportunity to be able to in command return at the next period become bigger.

  2. Why the captured corruptor still limited to “small fish” level, though come from enough excitement institution? Though as quantity KPK show the performance enough nicely, but as quality a success arrested corruptor not yet gratified. Any way, bravery KPK in expressing the corruptor not yet touched corruption mafia boss. Logically if the captured corruptors from selected faction, organizationally very impossible that the boss don't know it faction member behavior.

  3. Why the captured corruptor tends to come from various political party / selected faction? This phenomenon as work shift, for the faction which not yet got his faction member quota to be arrested by KPK, hence only leaving at the post the innings. Politically hence peeping out impression that KPK is the appliance used by selected faction to drop image it’s politics enemies.
Besides three question mentioned above of course still many questions and statement among pro and contra concerning the performance KPK, but any discourse all of us expect KPK become the hero figure which really running mission and it duties independently without intervention from the faction that exploit it.

We wish, hopefully KPK still have bravery to destroy corruption latent danger in this country ...........................

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  1. In This Time, My Country Need A Leader Not A President
  2. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  3. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  4. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  5. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  6. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In This Time, My Country Need A Leader Not A President

my country borned from the womb of mother in a multifarious/variety condition, and others countries in this world don't have it.

varieties which able to bring the benediction but can also generates the debacle
benediction, if all the variety potencies can be united and exploited to develop this country for the shake of prosperity all the people shade in it.

debacle, if the variety only triggering the conflict which is on in the end apart doesn’t know where.

among benedictions and debacle be in fact only limited by a couple flimsy yarns so called a morals and among both can change out of a clear sky if the time wants it

in this time my country can be told that its have been floated by the debacle, because many people without moral by bringing his faction pennons which also without moral each other scrambling to be skipper for my country ark.

where my country ark will be brought to anchor....
to this moment .... there is no a even also able to answer it
because truly there is nobody who really becoming a skipper for my country ark

in this time my country need a leader, not a president
a leader is the someone who dare to be blamed if was assistants of it have betrayed people .....

a leader is the someone who stands up most next if was other countries which try to flatter this country self-regard ...

a leader is the someone who has the kindness to arrest to feel the it’s puckish so that people can feel a piece of expectation of fragrant of rice in their country ....

a leader is the someone who has the kindness to stand up at hindmost queue if truly people feel costly of oil price ....

a leader is the someone who dares to allow the release of his soul to fight against mafias from all mafias which have made miserable to this country .....

a leader is someone who able to protect the people from other countries intimidation in whatever forms ....

a leader borned with the morals ....

there have many presidents in my country .....
there have also many sorrows to the people ....

president in my country borned pursuant to constitution ....
constitution taken as justification for all faction pennons mannerisms ....
the faction pennons which always calculate the profit loss even have to mutiny the people ....
.... a president is not a leader
.... but a leader can become a president

definitively, in this time my country need a leader not a president ......
so that my country varieties can be united in benediction .....
and people in my country ark can anchor in prosperity

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  2. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  3. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  4. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  5. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  6. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Party Season and Once Season Party in My Country

My country truly famous with many seasons, there are related with weather, fruits, school ..... and now which is glorious again is the number of the parties popping out “fungous in the rains” (though now in my country is start the dry season). As does other season, party season in my country become a very unique phenomenon for the country which in the process of learn to have democracy. Unique, because its amount many and impress talkatively ..... more than anything else with attribute / the party name and also symbol are gorgeous so hard to count the parties names now.

Then do correctness with existence of party season is in this time mean my country have bolted the adult to democratize or even on the contrary. If birth of the parties is purification to move forward the political climate in this country, hence can be told it have happened the growth is fast so for political world of this country. On the contrary if vision of the parties just talkative, hence my country is need psychiatry to heal the talkative disease in order not to generate to feel small in interaction of international world because will become the materials laugh.

Founded a party is rights each citizen because truly have been arranged in constitution, but if the party is considered to be a “power game” form, hence that mean have made a fool of this country constitution. If this matter that happened hence political life condition in my country have ever been very hard since have already dare to make a fool of the constitution, so that can be told also that my country is also made an arena of “ game” which not certifiable at all.

Party in my country if evaluated from its season is distinguishable perhaps to become two categories there are:
  1. (The party which it do not know season, included in this category are including the big parties and become the remain customer for this country and from season to the next season always emerge.

  2. Once season party, included in this category is the parties merely can stay in once contest and hereinafter copy the aspect for season hereinafter or even unknown disappear. And it’s grievous at the time of party season is at most popping out exactly the party included in this category.
Converse concerning season perhaps people in my country prefer to discuss the durian season (or other fruits season) because feeling and its benefit can direct enjoyed and surely always have season. Is while party season? People have ever been lazy to discuss it because till now not yet felt his benefit. Party season for people only a looking on the habit, because graceless truly to be followed by the story and always is easy to guessed final [of] his story that is denial to people .......

…………. one the question wishing I lay open ………………………. what do be in fact you look for, hi founders of party?

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Related Posts :

  1. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  2. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  3. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  4. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  5. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!

we wish Indonesia to peaceful
peace in varieties
variety in peacefulness.......

Various events that happened in Indonesia recently, its ought to make ashamed all of us to ourselves, to our children, to our predecessors, to nations ....and shame to God exactly

Shame to ourselves, because have been defeated by atmosphere Iust the dickens to each other to conflicting...... why so easy to our as human as downhill excellency being decrease to ourselves.

Shame to our children, aren't we always hum of is meaning of peacefulness as conductor of his sleep. We always tweak his ear if seeing our children conflict with their friends ... then do our children require to tweak our ear if we continuously conflict there's only difference?

Shame to our predecessors, our country can independence because pure drop [of] their blood as heritage to us ….. why we now so easy to conduct the humanity blood just for deifying faction pennons?

Shame to other nations, aren't we always idolize personality of our nation as the nation has august personality …. why those august values have been bleached by angry passion

……and absolutely we have to lose face to our God …… we are as human is truly created in difference in order to recognizing one another not to conflict … we are created by bringing one commendation to be khalifah on earth as carrier of blessing to universe ........

stop the conflict in this country ......
it’s still heavily for us to send our offspring to archipelago carpet which have jewellery copiousness wrapped by the peacefulness ........

...... make Indonesia to peaceful !!!!!!!

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  1. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  2. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  3. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  4. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?

This heart is tickled after hearing the expression of corruption industrial in a discussion event in a television media concerning corruption condition that happened in this country. The expression of course implies that corruption not again become the tradition but have been made as arena of the business profit oriented and organize professionally. If correct truly the condition of it’s, hence undeniable many the investors interesting to inculcate his investment in this corruption industrial sector.

Through approach of industry, hence is 3 (three) keyword able to be used in assessing the corruption condition in this country, there are :
  1. Profit oriented. In general, an industry run is to get profitable to be used to improve prosperity of party/ sides in concerned in it. Relate at this matter, hence activity of corruption done also to get advantage of person or his faction, if not profited of course the nobody will do the corruption.

  2. Organization. DIn running a industry needed an organization that arrange concerning rights and obligations, functional and structural relation and also the rule of the game gone into effect in the organization. Relate at this matter, hence organized corruption can be told as an activity instruct to industry.

  3. Professional. At an industry, an organization need the human resources who really professional so that the industrial effort purpose can reach as according to goals which have been determined. Relate at this matter, hence activity of corruption which have entangled the professional people in his area can be told as an activity instruct to industry.
Third keyword mentioned above if evaluated from a system, hence can be interpreted as follows: (i) profit oriented is a purpose / output from a system, (ii) organizational (in this case related to the organizational resource) is a input in a system, and (iii) Professional is one of [the] required condition to run a process utilization of input so that can yield output expected.

Relate at description mentioned above, hence a “corruption industry” is an effort run by an organization (not personal again / individual) to get advantage (profit oriented) that is run professionally and take place systematically.

Then is it correct that corruption have become a new industry in this country? Let our heart each which is its reply ........

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  1. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  2. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  3. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  4. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People

there is general election becoming near, the peoples be neared ...
there is no general election, the people be avoided ...
Dismember the sentence above is an expression perhaps more precise to depict the phenomenon cycle that happened in my country every period of five annual that is general election. Care to people is the product that very often sold by the party sides who have importance so that can win party of the annual five. A reality be in fact consist in the fragrant of hypocrisy of the party/sides, because how do will comprehend the care meaning to people if they do not want to understand to burden grief of people is which during the time experienced of it.

The parties who have importance don't have to feel small to be toadies of people every nearing general election. Any way people is owner of highest sovereignty in my country (a reality which is seldom socialized to people), so that it is not a wonder if nearing general election many party/ sides ready to be devoted itself to people and at disposal people.. Is a drama which able to be told irritate but end in to touch.

Irritate, because we is served with game ‘ clown” trying to involve his role but his acting still amateurish, so that scene for the shake of the scene play it more too like with refer to fun episode. More ridiculous again, because now start pop out the advertisement in the television present the single players which on the spur of the moment so care to people, though before all ......

Touch, because the story network always end in the betrayal to people which it’s usual have back part at grief. More heartwarming again, autonomous moment [of] area is this time where my country is happened local election “ booming”, hence “ product” care to saleable people progressively also to be sold of course with the orientation is very cliched be like have been laid open above.

General/local election is absolute to be done by my country that is learn the democracy, but is not to learn the acting and drama .....

People are owner of highest sovereignty in my country which truly ought to be served and secure and prosperous by party/ side whoever winner on General/local election ....... forever.

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  1. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  2. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  3. Demonstration Without Anarchist
  4. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Demonstration Without Anarchist

A demonstration is one of the forms of forwarding of aspiration / opinion to a policy / decision which have been released by takers of decision in an organizational. If evaluated from the aspect of democratize, a demonstration is forming freedom have a notion to release the opinion as a means of control to a decision and policy so that it in line with which have been agreed on with. At state scope, forwarding of such aspiration related to decision / policy which have been released by government, is while management of a itself demonstration in every state tied by made by rule of the game each state by relating at social norms.

Witnessed growth of event that happened in my country recently, is making our conscience which most basic of enquire, do Indonesia have been wrapped with anarchism? Activity of done by the demonstration of last one week almost everything end in the anarchism and the riot of course very bother / pursue even harm the others rights ought to be esteemed.

Demonstration and anarchism is the two poles is different very but why that happened in this time (especially in my country) both the things exactly a more regular “married”. Demonstration be like have been elaborated above, is appliance control to a policy and decision, is while anarchism is in explicit can be told more instructing at action criminal, because have happened mutilation, bother orderliness of public, even come up with the action hurt the others

As two different poles of course if/when tidy in one package will yield assortedly [of] the impact and output alternative disagree with the expected. Demonstration is valid activity in framework life of have state [to] and democratize, is while anarchism remain to cannot be agreed by the good in the light of punish and norms life of society. Required by the adulthood think and behave to be able to differentiate [among/between] both. Relating at the rationale, have activity of demonstration ought to as one of the media of forwarding of aspiration is not smirched by anarchism actions and if both still tidy in is same package, hence have to dare to be confessed that related/relevant any person who in it is immature people who in thinking and act (if truly do not want to be told by the puerility).

Social climate of politics that happened in my country this is truly start the heat more than anything else nearing general election of 2009 so that not impossible for hereinafter demonstration network there is still tidy in anarchism caused by various factor importance in it. My country people need peacefulness, so that if we like to submit the aspiration shall be gone through passing the peaceful ways, don't mean the aspiration smirched by anarchism. If only still happened the demonstration with anarchism, hence this means we not yet ready for developing this country in democratic country framework

.....let’s we fight anarchism’s

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Related Posts :

  1. Make Indonesia to Peaceful !!!
  2. Is It True That Corruption Have Become A New Industry In My Country ?
  3. Nearing General Election, In My Country Too Much Party Care to People
  4. My Country is Too Many Mysteries

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

My Country is Too Many Mysteries

It’s a mystery, if until present is too many people in my country still feel hungry although they live within “rice barn”.

It’s a mystery, if until present the people in my country still have to queue up to get a fuel at a “fuel field”.

It’s a mystery, if the people in my country have to leave a “golden country, just to get a “bronze” in other countries.

A mystery is an expression which it can make many questions for anybodies who want to know a truth from an answer, beside that a mystery also can make angered if it be found a puzzling which too hard to be solved within it. As a time dimension, a mystery is a mystery too if an answer and reality within it are taboo to be revealed, in the other hand a mystery can change to a factually if an answer and reality within it are can be revealed successfully.

My country is a great country with an abundance resources, it’s a reality that it should created as a modal to make a glorious country and get respect from others. My country with 63 years age, it’s surely growing to become a rich, strong and sturdy country within a “world jungle”. But, why does that obsession are still like a story which bring us to a dreaming land?

One of short answer to answer the question like mentioned above, because my country is really fully mystery, so the goals and objectives of my country are still a mystery too. My country is really still to playing any mysterious operas with supported by great director and great artist which include it. Any episodes have already played, there are still in our mind, among others : (i) The mystery of “Circular Building”; (ii) The mystery of “Between brothers” Conflict, (iii) The Mystery of “ Be Queue up to Get a Fuel”, (iv) The Mystery of “Forest Clear Away”, (iv) The Mystery of “Marine and Fishery Fund”, (v) The Mystery of “Legislative Agent”, (vi) The Mystery of “Mystery Breaker Disappearance”, (vii) The Mystery of “ Debt Master Disappearance”, and (ix) other mysteries that still mystery until present.

A Mystery story is very really infatuate for anybodies, who like mystery, moreover for story maker, if too many people are confuse with the story, so the story maker will become rightfully proud.

But, however the mystery is sensational, my country is a reality, the riches of my country is a reality, the greatness of my country is a reality, and it’s surely that the people is need a realities, my country have to move to realize a glorious country without mystery stories anymore.

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