Saturday, August 30, 2008

May I Nominate Myself as President?

when I child, I have owned aspiration to become a president

an aspiration is perhaps also envisioned by millions of other children in this country
president, is a easy word to be said and represent many dreams to be made an aspiration
president, every citizen may take hold of it according to constitution reference,
president a position which enough pride upon fair so that if fought over many people not merely by children

at this moment my country is in a critical condition, why do exactly road to be president only owned by a little people
a requirement to be president in line with constitution is not difficult (simple), but why do process to be able to become the president in this country only can be fulfilled by people of selected faction

at this time to be able to nominate as president shall from clan which have much money in order to can campaign costly itself inly various media

at this time to be able to nominate as president shall must have multi personality, in one moment can wicked to people and in other moment can change to “love” to people

at this time to be able to nominate as president must have a trade arithmetic, that is how to can return capital which have been released to be president and of course the way of to get advantage when chosen to become president

at this time to be able to nominate as president must have the principle make it up to reply the services that have been received, that is with by alloting “a few advantages” to all parties which have supported to be president

..... it is not a wonder, if in this time road to be president becoming only owned by a little people

at this time to be a president not a moral become the criterion, but exactly how a moral can be “packaged” as sympathy stimulator to people

at this time to be a president not a leadership become the criterion, but a soul that having a heart to geld a leader cadres in order to avoid grow to become a real leader in this country

.... it is not a wonder, if in this time road to be president becoming only owned by a little people

when I child, I have owned aspiration to become a president
but in this time, the obsession is like a dream in a little people dream
i don't have quite a lot propertieses of items to be able to advertise myself in various media
i don't have capability of “commercial arithmetic” science, so it is impossible I can calculate a profit or loss within politics, more than anything else can give advantage for myself and or my faction
i don't have multi personality, so it is impossible that I must acted as “multi face” in order to I can change my “face” at the time which needed

I am only owning a strength desire, so this country can change and soon get over the “chronic” disease

.... do only with just the desire I may nominate myself as president for this country ....
let’s the time conversing, decompose the word without meaning

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Friday, August 1, 2008

Please, Return the Throne of Sovereignty of My Country to People

the highest sovereignty is on people hand
there is an utter couplet of the constitution

who knows, there have already how many period the sovereignty throne disappear from people’s hug
the throne which grave on the equator emerald and shone by freedom lining
the throne which it ought to can send this country to the glories
……but that throne has disappeared swallowed up by power’s lust and passionate gluttony lechery from thieves who make use of deity mask

who knows, there have already how many “full moon” the sovereignty throne seize from people’s handful
the throne which chisel from a sweat drop blood of the people to detach a suppression shackle
the throne which it ought to can free people from destitution shackle
….. but the throne have been clutched and blanketed by promises mucus of psychopaths who make use of brahmin chasuble

who knows, there have already how many eclipses the sovereignty throne escape from people’s embrace
the throne which portray of five oceans and five jungles within archipelago chain
the throne which it ought to can realize people’s dream to can enjoying a precious diamonds
….. but the throne have been grabbed by asperity of eye-tooth of wicked who substitute itself like a saint

now, after the time greeting again to my country at several times
the time has come that sovereignty throne is returned to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
no matter, if beautifully of throne engraving have faded
let the people to make it return to shiny
so that it’s light can enlightening to this country move to the glories
without the thieves who make use of deity mask again

now, after the full moon moving across at equators of my country at several times
the time has come that sovereignty throne is returned to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
no matter, if its bas-reliefs have been disguised by decaying aroma of spurious promises
let the people to make it return fragrant
so that it’s fragrant can show the prosperity footbridge which far from destitution frame
without psychopaths who make use of brahmin chasuble again

now, after the eclipses moving across at archipelago chain at several times
the time has come that sovereignty throne is given to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
no matter, if it’s portray precious have been replaced by asperity
let the people to take care of it return
so that its precious can make the people realize the dreams which during the time buried by destitution
without wicked who substitute itself like a saint again

the time has come that sovereignty throne is returned to people, because there is truly that the throne is property of people
let us and our offspring will take care of it
without thieves, psychopaths, and wicked in my country anymore......

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